Behavioral Support

Support your child’s behavioral growth both inside and outside the classroom. 

All children go through behavioral changes and sometimes these can lead to struggles at home or school.  A new classroom, demands of testing, or even a slight change in routine can trigger behavioral challenges. Home Works NYC will help you identify your child’s specific triggers and create incentive plans that lead to improved behavior and personal growth.

Improve Focus and Self-Control

  • Establish predictable routines that limit boundary testing and instill independence

  • Reinforce positive behavior by giving appropriate rewards and consequences

  • Learn methods that encourage self-reflection and empathy

Foster Engagement and Motivation

  • Create incentive plans that motivate your child to work hard, meet expectations, and achieve their goals

  • Provide more opportunities for choice that inspire excitement and self-confidence

  • Identify your child’s unique skill set and deliver a fresh approach to learning

Open the Channels of Communication

  • Learn strategies to encourage communication about the school day

  • Strengthen ability to thoughtfully build on ideas and conversations


Contact Home Works NYC to schedule an appointment.